Singing Guide: Dawkins & Dawkins

Singing Guide: Dawkins & Dawkins

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Dawkins & Dawkins are an American gospel duo consisting of brothers Eric and Anson Dawkins. With a career spanning over two decades, the duo has released many popular songs, with unique vocal techniques and styles. In this article, we will focus on learning how to sing like Dawkins & Dawkins.

To sing like Dawkins & Dawkins, it's essential to develop the right techniques and to identify their unique vocal style. One of their notable strengths is their smooth, high-pitched, and soulful harmonies. Anson Dawkins leads the lower harmonies with his smooth voice while Eric Dawkins leads the higher notes with his distinctive falsetto.

To learn how to sing like the Dawkins brothers, we recommend starting with the vocal range test available on Singing Carrots platform. It will help determine your voice type and vocal range. Once you've determined your type, you can work on proper breathing techniques such as active and passive breathing, and breath support. These techniques are essential for maintaining the control and stability of your voice.

Next, it's crucial to develop your chest voice and falsetto. Dawkins & Dawkins use chest voice for their lower harmonies and falsetto for their higher harmonies. Knowing how to shift between these registers will help you develop the unique vocal style that they have. To get started, you can check out Singing Carrots' videos on chest voice, voice registers, and mixed voice.

In addition to their harmonies, they're well known for their vocal riffs and runs. To develop this skill, you can use Singing Carrots' pitch training exercises, pitch visualizer, and interactive warm-ups.

To learn some of their hit songs, Singing Carrots' song-search tool allows you to find songs that match your vocal range and genre preference. Some of their most famous hits include "Necessary," "Get Down," and "Praisin' on My Mind." Once you've selected a song, you can follow Singing Carrots' guidelines on how to learn a song effectively.

In summary, to learn how to sing like Dawkins & Dawkins, you need to develop proper breathing techniques, establish and switch between chest voice and falsetto, work on your vocal riffs and runs, and learn some of their hit songs. With Singing Carrots' resources, including their videos, tools, exercises, and articles, you'll be well on your way to developing a soulful, harmonious voice like the Dawkins brothers.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.